Complex Commercial Litigation
DRC is trusted by the nation’s largest law firms to provide trial consulting services in “bet the company” litigation. We help manage cases and track key issues across multiple jurisdictions, often involving dueling cross-claims, and numerous parties. DRC has experience distilling millions of pages of discovery, dozens of witnesses, opposing liability and damages experts into manageable core themes, so that juries are able to digest a vast amount of material in the most efficient way possible.
DRC has provided strategic advice and tested trial themes in high-profile founder’s dispute cases involving some of the most well-known companies’ IPO in the last decade. With billions of dollars at stake, DRC’s mock jury exercises are a must-have tool for today’s litigation powerhouses. Large, complex cases in the modern era simply no longer proceed to trial without rigorous (and often multiple) mock trial exercises to gain insight into what is likely to occur in the deliberation room.